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Showing posts from July, 2012

Love in this House

Good Morning Fellow Soul-Goers! It was simply dropped in my spirit to share this with you all on today. As I'm sitting here reading the newspaper and watching the news, it is more evident each day that what the world needs now is love. Now, more than ever. So, I'd like to share a poem that I've been working on entitled "The New Epidemic". It’s just a pity that we can’t get our kids out there to play; Realizing the benefits it has on our children today If we could just help fight Childhood Obesity, Educate our children and teach them to be happy and free. Then, we could expand our lifespan and live with some dignity; Changing the very bleak future depicted by our nation, Facing a harsh reality of being so complacent. Moving toward a brighter day of healthy families, with less disparities There are so many things we need to do as a community; both you and me From one mother to another, to every family; sister and brother; Please, hear me out! We ha

Welcome Back!

Good Day All,  I have been on a hiatus for a little while,  but I have sooo much to share with you that I will need about a couple of weeks of posting daily to get it all in!!!! If you're a friend of my blog, I know you've been waiting to see what's really good with Soul in the City and with me! So, want to hear it; here it goes... First and Foremost, I'd like to send a shout out to all of my supporters in the US, United Kingdom, Sweden, Africa, Brazil and Russia!!! I am truly blessed to know that all over the world, you'll find a soul supporter wanting to know the latest and greatest news that the Independent Soul community has to offer. Music is universal and has no color, no race and no one face to it. I love all my people world wide and look to travel to these great countries in the near future. So, spread the word about Total Eclipse Magazine and Mara Hunter.   Next, I wanted to briefly recap the 2012 BET Awards... as many of you awaited this annual gat