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Love in this House

Good Morning Fellow Soul-Goers!

It was simply dropped in my spirit to share this with you all on today. As I'm sitting here reading the newspaper and watching the news, it is more evident each day that what the world needs now is love. Now, more than ever. So, I'd like to share a poem that I've been working on entitled "The New Epidemic".

It’s just a pity that we can’t get our kids out there to play;
Realizing the benefits it has on our children today
If we could just help fight Childhood Obesity,
Educate our children and teach them to be happy and free.
Then, we could expand our lifespan and live with some dignity;
Changing the very bleak future depicted by our nation,
Facing a harsh reality of being so complacent.

Moving toward a brighter day of healthy families, with less disparities
There are so many things we need to do as a community; both you and me
From one mother to another, to every family; sister and brother;
Please, hear me out!
We have some things worth talking about.

My people, we have to STOP killing, wheeling and dealing to in order to start healing,
Know that, “Crack is Wack” and unprotected sex kills
So does stress, lack of rest, physical & mental abuse and gun misuse,
People whose roots run deep in the black community
Don’t be a verbal assassin pulling the trigger by using the word, “Nigga”.

Build each other up, don't tear each other down
Edify and Exhalt, Encourage and Gratify
I see brothers and sisters walking along and it saddens my very soul
Their demeanor is so negative, the lack of confidence is wack and it shows
It shows in our speech and in how we wear our clothes.
It shows all over our faces and the show is getting quite old

History tells us a story, but are we willing to listen?
Adhere, to where we’ve come from so, this time our outcomes can be different?
It still holds true that it takes a village, so know that I got your back.
It’s a well-known fact that we’re resilient people, both proud and black.

And to our nation, Tupac said it best,
“When it rains it pours,
we got money for war, but can't feed the poor.”

Let’s rid ourselves of these hate crimes and began to build wealth
Let's delve deep down into loving ourselves so that we can love others.
The reality is when it rains it does pour,
Meaning we’re going to go through it sometimes
But, together we can make it through the storm
Let's not wait for a catastrophe to lend a helping hand
For, it shouldn’t take a Tornado to make us airborne.

Get contagious and infect one another with something outrageous.
What the world needs now, is LOVE…
The new epidemic and it’s available in a heart near you,
If you named it, you can claim it and start spreading Love;
The new epidemic that’s more powerful than any drug

The way I see it is in life, you only have two choices
You can either be part of the problem or the solution.
Know that We can only defeat the hate and replace
The darkness with light in each other’s life; if we just unite.

So, let’s get it right,
You and I together are the new epidemic.
And I’m in it to win it. Are you?


LaMara Hunter Copyright June 2012

And for the music fan in you, I had to add this old school joint by Tracy Spencer...."This House".

The words that she sings are so very important yesterday as it is today. I hope you get the message and spread the new epidemic with an old school twist...LOVE.



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