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Showing posts from 2012

Soul Holiday

Soul Holiday With Christmas just a few days away, I've been putting the finishing touches on presents, completing my Christmas dinner shopping and spending some much needed time with family and friends. I'm thankful for so much because I realize that there is always someone that has less and if they're able to find happiness with what they have, then why can't I be able to enjoy what God has blessed me with; which is an awesome fiance', wonderful and beautiful children and a healthy and happy family. And isn't sharing love, happiness and peace is what this season is all about? In this season of sharing, I wanted to give the gift of some great holiday music; some new and some not so new, but still and all just right for the soul lover in you. Check out these amazing tunes from two good friends of mine. Aaron Harding & Kem! Aaron Hardin is an incredibly gifted musician that's been on the indie scene for many years. Well known for

Find Your Inspiration: A Spiritual Author's Book Fair

Find Your Inspiration:  A Spiritual Author's Book Fair READ SOME GOOD BOOKS LATELY? Many came, they saw and conquered as a host of regional women authors shed a spiritual light on their works during the first annual Find Your Inspiration: A Spiritual Author's Book Fair, which took place on Nov. 1, 2012 at the Crystal Falls Wellness Center in Southampton , MA . This intimate and engaging event, sponsored by Baystate Health, was a spiritual uplift for the participants and all that were able to attend [which included about 150 attendees]. Lori Szepelak, author of An Angel on My Shoulder , and yours truly, were co-facilitators of the afternoon gathering. The authors spoke about what inspired them to write their books and the mental and physical motivation it took to accomplish their goals. Jean Canosa-Albano, Mgr for the Springfield Public Library was the host. Authors included Dr. Lucie Lewis, Crystal Senter Brown and Sharon


Extra, Extra READ ALL ABOUT IT There are so many people that share such negative and unrealistic views against a man that has changed the global climate of the United States of America. It's funny that he gets blamed for every little thing that has 'gone wrong' in the country, but little to none for the things that he indeed did have a hand in. His contributions to this country are too numerous to name, but as a journalist that lives her life through music, I found a song that was the equivalent of what I wanted to say after reading countless negative things about the President, Our President of the United States, so President Barak Obama, this one's for you!!! Read All About It by Emeli Sande'

A Lioness Graces the Cover

A Lioness Graces the Cover Good Day My Soul-in-the-City-goers!!! I wanted to share some exciting news with you all. As you may or may not already know, I am a music Journalist for Total Eclipse magazine, but I am also a contributing writer for a magazine called, Lioness, [which is a women's entrepreneurial ezine.] This month, we are celebrating one year of bringing great stories to the masses and I am one of the individuals that just so happens to grace the cover!!! So, here it is live and in living color... Lioness 1 year anniversary issue, celebrating women in business. Thank you for supporting my blog and all of my writings. The love is truly good for my soul! Until next time, Enjoy!!! Mara

Yuna's Live Your Life

Beautiful Spirit, Unique Sound...Yuna...Soul in the City Spotlight

Love in this House

Good Morning Fellow Soul-Goers! It was simply dropped in my spirit to share this with you all on today. As I'm sitting here reading the newspaper and watching the news, it is more evident each day that what the world needs now is love. Now, more than ever. So, I'd like to share a poem that I've been working on entitled "The New Epidemic". It’s just a pity that we can’t get our kids out there to play; Realizing the benefits it has on our children today If we could just help fight Childhood Obesity, Educate our children and teach them to be happy and free. Then, we could expand our lifespan and live with some dignity; Changing the very bleak future depicted by our nation, Facing a harsh reality of being so complacent. Moving toward a brighter day of healthy families, with less disparities There are so many things we need to do as a community; both you and me From one mother to another, to every family; sister and brother; Please, hear me out! We ha

Welcome Back!

Good Day All,  I have been on a hiatus for a little while,  but I have sooo much to share with you that I will need about a couple of weeks of posting daily to get it all in!!!! If you're a friend of my blog, I know you've been waiting to see what's really good with Soul in the City and with me! So, want to hear it; here it goes... First and Foremost, I'd like to send a shout out to all of my supporters in the US, United Kingdom, Sweden, Africa, Brazil and Russia!!! I am truly blessed to know that all over the world, you'll find a soul supporter wanting to know the latest and greatest news that the Independent Soul community has to offer. Music is universal and has no color, no race and no one face to it. I love all my people world wide and look to travel to these great countries in the near future. So, spread the word about Total Eclipse Magazine and Mara Hunter.   Next, I wanted to briefly recap the 2012 BET Awards... as many of you awaited this annual gat

A Time to Heal in the City

This is in dedication to my little brother, Joseph Kelly. A great young man, with a bright future. The last message he left on my facebook page was "I See You". Well, I say to you, "Joe, I hope to 'SEE YOU' again someday". To his mother, sisters, son, girlfriend and to the whole Kelly family, friends, classmates, teachers, co-workers and loved ones, this is a healing process that must begin. May God Bless You all. Rest In Peace, Joe! We Will Always Love You!!! 

What Girlz Talk About!

Check out this new teen magazine by my mentee, Illeshah Harris. A new and creative 18 year old journalist from Springfield, MA. Let's support the next generation of young writers!!! Open publication - Free publishing - More girls Open publication - Free publishing

Morning Inspiration: Blessed 101 with Jill Scott

Bilal Helps Little Ones with Autism Speak!

Bilal Helps Little Ones with Autism Speak! AUTISM AFFECTS 1 OUT OF EVERY 110 CHILDREN IN THE U.S. Since April is Autism Awareness Month , I thought I'd blessed you with this Grammy-nominated classic from Bilal, entitled "Little Ones", a dedication to his son. I send this out to my nephew, Khalil, good friend and award-wining author, Jacqueline Williams-Hines  and all of the little ones that deal with Autism on a daily basis. You are truly a gift from God to help the world understand that we are all different for a reason. God Bless You! Bilal on "Little One" from Centric TV on Vimeo . According to, "Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. They include autistic disorder, Rett syndro

Serving Jeff Bradshaw À la carte...Bone Appétit!

World Renown, Trombonist, Jeff Bradshaw is back with his second release titled, Bone Appétit For those who don't know Jeff Bradshaw and if you haven't heard this jazz musician do his thing, you have been living under a rock for the last 10 years or so....and you definitely need a dose of what real smooth, unadulterated jazz music sounds, feels and tastes like. This soulful musician has made the trombone the instrument of choice and has laid down some beautiful sounds that this world  has experienced in a very long time. So, it is my pleasure to present to some and introduce to others, Mr. Trombone himself,  Jeff Bradshaw!!! This North Philly dude got his start with Jill Scott (Hidden Beach Recordings) and has collaborated with such artists as N'Dambi (Total Eclipse Magazine's premier cover Indie Soul artist), Glenn Lewis and Darrius Rucker. He recalls when he got his first break. "In 1994, I began to meet the who’s-who of what is now the hiera

Robert Glasper feat. Musiq Soulchild and Chrisette Michele - Ah Yeah!