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The Soul of Young Folks

The Soul of Young Folks

As I sit here trying to type my weekend synopsis with an very active 8 month old at bay, I had a revelation as it relates to the soul of young folks...In addition to my baby boy, I have a 15 year old son named Shaq, a genius named Troy, who is 12 and Nya, my beautiful, witty 10 year old daughter. This past weekend, I had the pleasure of spending some one on one QT with each. [I had just return from a week long trip on the other side of the country and so I know that I needed to spend time catching up with them on their academics, activities and don't forgetttt the school gossip/drama scene]...(typos due to the baby).

We all decided this past weekend would be 'movie weekend'. So, what I discovered about my children over this course of time was this...the movies that they chose reflected their personality, heart and the very essence of who they are. The true soul of my babies came through as we watched each selected pick.

First up on Friday was my daughter Nya [ladies first], She wanted to see Rio 2. This movie, [without given too much away], was a great sequel about two witty birds that uncovered their history on a journey of rediscovery. One bird was a tough cookie, fun loving, witty, nurturing and a free spirit that had strong survival skills and wanted to teach others how to do the same and that is soooo my daughter. Her personality just shines through in all she does!

On Saturday, Troy and I went to see Noah, an epic spin on a biblical story. This movie had some biblical undertones which the creator of this film took to create an imaginary world. This thin line between what we know to be true and what the writer wanted us to perceive was packed with a raw and edgy storyline that included mythical creatures in a 'Hobbitt inspired era'. The story pushed the envelope with an edge that made me rethink some things about myself. Troy aka My Genius Child has a very different perspective on life's situations; the stories that he creates are sometime dramatical and are crafted to support his philosophies...LOL

Shaq & I ended the weekend with the top box office hit, Captain America. Though you would think it was quite cliche-ish, the movie was very exciting, engaging the audience with a modernized, yet classic super-hero, his host of avenger friends and the perils that they find themselves in. Everyone loves Captain America, he's the All-American guy that helps rid the world of evil, harm and danger, yet getting into certain situations himself that seem hard to get out of...See where I'm going with this? My son, is a lovable, comical and cheerful young man, who seems to find himself in certain situations even when the intent is that "of Good". Behold, he always seems to find a way to overcome them and claim victory at the end of the day!

I was so thankful that God revealed some things about my children through just spending some good ole' fashion one on one time. Even though it did get a little costly being that I went to the movies 3X and you figure in snacks, goodies, drinks, etc; but the priceless interaction with my loved ones doesn't come with a price tag, just a tagline which states...My Children Got the City!!!

Until Next time folks,

Mara Hunter Signing Off


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