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The Weigh-In: Casey Anthony Circus

Anyone who knows me knows that I am very passionate about what I believe in. Some call it faith, some call it principle. I am a journalist and yes, I write about music in its universalistic state, but I also write about the very things that are going on in our community, our country and in our world. So, I think it’s time that I weigh in on this whole Casey Anthony circus

I find something very wrong with our justice system, which has been broken for many, many years.

You often here people say, when it comes to crimes such as this that “only in America can a person not only get away with murder, but have the potential to become a millionaire doing it”. Our jails are filled with drug-dealers and those that have been wrongfully accused of crimes with the very same “lack of evidence” that presented itself  at Casey Anthony’s trial, yet are serving years…away from their families, many wanting to be parents, wanting to love and just “be there” for their  loved-ones. While those that have committed these horrific acts against their loves ones, get to walk around free as a bird. Now, I can’t say that this young lady committed this very tumultuous crime against mankind; that of killing the very life from which God had given her, because I was not there, nor were any of you, but I truly hope there is some type of conviction that reaches deep down into the very soul of Ms. Anthony and follows her for the rest of her days...let God be her judge and jury as she goes through this life because in the end she will meet her maker. When she does, I wonder, will she be forgiven for her transgressions? Will He be able to say those words that we all long to hear? Will she be at peace? Those are the questions that come to mind.

Until that day and every time I see a little girl with her mother, I will forever think, how can one person think to ever harm a child? I am a single-mother of three wonderful children and though sometimes, they do touch a nerve or two, I deal with that accordingly. We all have made mistakes in parenting, because we are human. None of us are perfect, but in our imperfection God’s will is made perfect. So, even in all my imperfection, I could never think to harm or hurt my child(ren). There is nothing that they could ever do to receive that type of “punishment”.  In this case, the tragic truth is…accident or not, this poor, darling child’s life ended all too soon. The courts have rendered their verdict and her peers have spoken, but God has the final say so. So, let true justice prevail and may we all be at peace with that decision.

Until next time,

Soul in the City w/Mara Hunter

Signing Out

Be Blessed!


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